Popcorn Songs

...and other stuff, but it's the popcorn mix I can't get enough of.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Go Team Venture!

Season two now on DVD.



1d12 one week later...

Cake gave at least two of us the plague! The plague, I tell you!!

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Sunday, April 15, 2007


Roll Call 1d12

Someone made Ensign laugh beer into, but not out of, his nose. Sam had the best soda spit-take ever--right onto Hendricks' Ticket to Ride board. I laughed so hard I nearly passed out. Ensign made some excellent chile that needed more heat in my opinion. Al was sick, but stopped by to drop off my 'Fog of War' DVD, which Ensign borrowed to watch. Julie made nachos.

Lexio - Round 1: Ensign*, Scott, Sam. Round 2: Ensign, Scott, Sam, Cake, Matt*
Ra - Ensign, Scott, Sam, Cake, Matt... who won this, Ensign or Cake?
Ca$h'n Gun$ - Ensign*, Scott, Sam, Cake, Dan, Matt
USA 1910 variant for Ticket to Ride - Ensign*, Scott, Sam, Dan, Matt
Factory Fun - Sam, Dan, Ensign, Matt... There were no winners in this game.
Hey, That's My Fish! - Hendricks, Julie, Dan, Matt*
Leonardo da Vinci -
Hendricks, Ensign*, Dan, Matt

The group is going to have to work to knock Ensign out of the top spot at 2d12!

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Warhammer MMO coming

The gamer bunch of new coworkers have decided it's their side-quest to get me back into online games. Today, they talked up the new Warhammer MMO.

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