Popcorn Songs

...and other stuff, but it's the popcorn mix I can't get enough of.

Friday, May 18, 2007


O, Wow is me


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Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Microwave popcorn butter flavoring harmful

This is terrible news for the popcorn mix!

The WaPo reports today that Assemblywoman Sally Lieber (D) has introduced a bill to ban diacetyl use by 2010. The chemical is an artificial butter flavoring most commonly used in microwave popcorn. Numerous study have found links between the chemical used by flavor workers and a rare disease called bronchiolitis obliterans. For those of you who aren’t 2000 yr old Romans, that means that the bronchioles and some of the smaller bronchi are obliterated by masses made up of fiberous tissue.

...flavoring manufacturers have paid out more than $100 million due to health lawsuits...

...OSHA has known it’s a problem since 1999...

...The coating on the inside of the packages give off PFCs that break down into PFOA when ingested.


Verizon claims First Amendment applies to revealing customer data

Link to source article.

Every customer of Verizon needs to exercise their free market right and find a new phone company.

I think this may also apply to Vonage, since Verizon will own it or destroy it as a result of pending litigation. Now it's really time for me to investigate Skype to land-line providers.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Recently overheard...

Overheard at my cubicle...
Co-worker: "I'm a geek."
Me: "No you're not."
Co-worker: "I totally played D&D in high school."
Me: (Showing character sheet just pulled from laptop bag) "I'm playing tonight."

Overheard at Fox & Hound...
Me: "So, this guy started Creep records in his basement..."
Same co-worker: "Wait, you know Creep? And you went to Ursinus? Have you heard of Bernie Bernie Headflap?"
Me: "Uh... I was in Bernie Bernie Headflap. ...Well, the original band. ... That's never happened before."

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