...and other stuff, but it's the popcorn mix I can't get enough of.
Today, I awoke at 6:45AM, with only a slightly upset stomach. Not bad for just under 5 hours sleep after a good night's partying. Today is list day.
Last night I consumed (for the record, it was not the same as 5 martinis)
- 1 Guinness
- 2 Bombay Sapphire martinis
- 3 shots Bailey's with coffee
- 1 shot Jaegermeister
- 2 cokes
- 2 glasses of water
Shoot, a guy could have a pretty good time in Vegas with all that stuff...
I feel spectacular all things considered.
Met some fantastic people at Mad Anthony's last night. This may be the beginnings of a great new tradition. I just need to find people who want to go get drunk and sing. The bar is non-smoking, which is fantastic for me, but no good for Cake, the only other person I know who's ever said, "Hell, ya, let's go karaoke!" So, I just need to figure out how to build this Saturday night karaoke club.
My reading list as of today (it gets longer faster than it gets shorter--(requisite "that's not what she said") )
- Underworld - Don DeLillo
- Before You Know Kindness - Chris Bohjalian
- The Glass Key, The Red Harvest & The Maltese Falcon - Dashiell Hammett
- The Mysteries of Pittsburgh - Michael Chabon
- The Lady, The Chef, and the Courtesan - Marisol
- Politics - Adam Thirlwell
- A Feast for Crows - George R. R. Martin
Who's got my "Adventures of Kavalier & Clay" by one Mr. Chabon?
Looks like I've had my first Netflix mail problems--they normally get the movie returns in a day. Four days ago I dropped them at the Norristown post office. First and last time I use it for Netflix, I think.
Things to do soon
- Clean the house
- Find a Val Kilmer quote from every movie he's been in--"Why, Johnny Ringo, you look like a ghost just walked over your grave."
- Switch to using only a laptop at home
- Find a use for all the flat screens the above decision will free up
- Pay the bills, dammit!
- Find a place to put away the summer clothes
- Harass Mike about the next poker night
On with it, then!