...and other stuff, but it's the popcorn mix I can't get enough of.
No kidding. I'd like to make up some fantastic story about what I was doing that caused a clean snap in the metal. I think I'll let your imagination work. No, sex was *not* involved in the harming of the bed.

So, I'll be shopping for a new bed frame on Saturday. Platform beds are all the rage now it seems.
I will be at Bud's Bar in Audubon Wednesday night (12/14), drinking and singing. I have it on the authority of at least one woman who never wants to see me again, that I'm damn good at karaoke. (As if I needed any more evidence that I don't get people in general, and women in less-general.)
I hooked up my Comcast HDTV tuner/DVR today. We'll see how addictive that gets.
[adult swim].
Labels: house