...and other stuff, but it's the popcorn mix I can't get enough of.
No kidding. About an hour into what became the 2 hour driveway extravaganza, I bent one of those fancy, 'better-for-your-back' snowshovels in half. Luckily, I didn't impale myself on it. So, a fter a 30 minute trip to Sears Hardware, I was back in business. It was like intermission. But they didn't have the popcorn machine going. The Sears Hardware up the road from me has one of those old-fashioned popcorn machines on wheels, but I guess the only bring it out on Sundays. Phooey.

How about that hat! Yea, it's nap time.
As you can see, I took some shortcuts. I didn't want to be out there 2 more hours, or break another shovel.

Since clothes come in tall sizes, why don't snowshovels? Even the ones with the curve in them aren't tall enough for me. I still have to bend way over and destroy my back. Am I doing it wrong? Anyone want to demonstrate the proper way to shovel my driveway?
Labels: house