Popcorn Songs

...and other stuff, but it's the popcorn mix I can't get enough of.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


No Party for You! and miscellany

Well, Erik was not feeling better today--I blame the shellfish! (I will always blame shellfish first.) Since he was my connection to this eve's party, I get to spend it relaxing after a workout and finishing my laundry and organizing my CDs and updating my blog and taking more tests on Ok Cupid, well, you get it...

The opening credits theme song for Paranoia Agent is awesome. I want to learn it so I can sing it at Otakon karaoke next year. It would be my single moment of feeling like I belong there.

"Your mistletoe is no match for my TOW Missile!"

So holiday breaks normally mean some lofty PC gamer goal and an obscene number of hours playing to get it. I didn't get out of the house today and the temptation to fire up Civ or RRT2 was greater than any time up to this point. (Ah, for those of you not in the know, I gave up computer games cold turkey the day I started this blog. With the exception of johnny rocketfingers and those retro-arcade java games I linked earlier (which I can only play for about 10 minutes, anyway.) There will be driving tomorrow and looking for what's open on December 25.

"This. This is ice. This is what happens to water when it gets too cold. This. This is Kent. This is what happens to people when they get too sexually frustrated."

My way-to-waste-more-time work in assembling Val Kilmer's best line from every movie in which he's had a speaking role continues. Top Gun is proving to be the hardest to research. I may actually have to watch it. Or maybe we'll declare Iceman is actually a non-speaking role.

"Tony says: ...I also need crew for West Side Story, which I am directing in the Spring: April 21st to May 13 (13 performances)."

Who's going to do some fun volunteer theater work with me for Footlighters? C'mon! I'll buy the first round at the Berwyn Tavern after.

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