...and other stuff, but it's the popcorn mix I can't get enough of.

As if my life is so interesting that somewhere there are people on the edge of their seat waiting for the next installment.
I've been taking a well-earned break. That's right, I needed a vacation from my social life. This past Tues & Wed were the first two days in a row since Christmas that I had nothing to do. I was going 6 of 7 or more going out, meeting people, partying, or whatever. I needed *me* time.
So I broke my 3 months of *no* computer games and bought Civ IV. (The lovely picture above.) I like it. This is the real 'quit' test. Like quitting smoking and keeping a pack of cigarettes around. Willpower. Must... not... play... more... than... two hours... ARGHHHH! Whew.
I am officially a member of the local
volunteer fire company. Apparently I signed up for the firefighting group, which is cool. I think it will be awhile before I'm certified to do any real work. That's two of four down.
Finally saw Donnie Darko. I could take it or leave it. Certainly more interesting than
The Day After Tomorrow. But no
Rushmore or